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2019-02-10 06:23:24 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-02-06 19:35:10 -0600 commented answer Is cv::triangulatePoints() returning 3D points in world coordinate system?

Can someone please confirm which coordinate frame the output 3D points are computed? Lets say P as shown in the diagram

2019-02-06 19:33:03 -0600 commented answer triangulate 3d points from a stereo camera and chessboard.

In what coordinate frame the the 3D points triangCoords4D computed?

2019-02-01 14:38:52 -0600 asked a question Correctly interpreting the Pose (Rotation and Translation) after 'recoverPose' from Essential matrix

Correctly interpreting the Pose (Rotation and Translation) after 'recoverPose' from Essential matrix Hi, I have been br