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2019-01-20 13:14:51 -0600 commented answer I try to use hog and svm to train my data and make it can calcify whether it's a arrow or not. I prepared two file and try to train it. When I compile it shows me these error.

I did what you recommend Convert objects to Numpy Objects samples = np.int32(samples) samples = np.array(samples, np.

2019-01-20 13:14:20 -0600 commented answer I try to use hog and svm to train my data and make it can calcify whether it's a arrow or not. I prepared two file and try to train it. When I compile it shows me these error.

I did what you recommend Convert objects to Numpy Objects samples = np.int32(samples) samples = np.array(samples, np.

2019-01-20 11:47:09 -0600 commented answer I try to use hog and svm to train my data and make it can calcify whether it's a arrow or not. I prepared two file and try to train it. When I compile it shows me these error.

it still show me this error, after I comment shuffling part and make the labels part change. File "", line 59,

2019-01-20 01:44:40 -0600 asked a question I try to use hog and svm to train my data and make it can calcify whether it's a arrow or not. I prepared two file and try to train it. When I compile it shows me these error.

I try to use hog and svm to train my data and make it can calcify whether it's a arrow or not. I prepared two file and