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2019-01-01 14:49:00 -0600 commented answer Correct way to make library with priv / public header and pass cv::Mat

I have created a branch (badsolution), that is working but it is only conceptual. I reserve static memory inside public

2019-01-01 14:48:13 -0600 commented answer How to move image inside a video

you mean you want to have a video stream where pictures moves all over the video while it playing right? Torrent TurboTa

2019-01-01 04:43:46 -0600 commented answer Correct way to make library with priv / public header and pass cv::Mat

I have created a branch (badsolution), that is working but it is only conceptual. I reserve static memory inside public

2019-01-01 04:43:06 -0600 commented answer How to move image inside a video

you mean you want to have a video stream where pictures moves all over the video while it playing right?

2018-12-31 13:30:15 -0600 commented question How to find the return error if template pic is not match with input image using Template Matching method

you have to find an experimental threshold value, and decide on that:

2018-12-31 13:29:39 -0600 commented answer Building OpenCV with CUDA (Win10, VS 2017)

The lines of code that you list correspond to the present HEAD of the master branch, where these lines have recently bee

2018-12-30 13:44:36 -0600 commented question Building OpenCV with CUDA (Win10, VS 2017)

I checked in CMake opencv_world and this could be the difference between our compilations but theoretically this should

2018-12-30 09:12:31 -0600 commented question How to find the return error if template pic is not match with input image using Template Matching method

you have to find an experimental threshold value, and decide on that:

2018-12-30 09:12:31 -0600 commented question Building OpenCV with CUDA (Win10, VS 2017)

I checked in CMake opencv_world and this could be the difference between our compilations but theoretically this should

2018-12-30 09:12:29 -0600 commented answer Building OpenCV with CUDA (Win10, VS 2017)

The lines of code that you list correspond to the present HEAD of the master branch, where these lines have recently bee