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2019-03-31 04:34:05 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-02-20 09:31:23 -0600 commented question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

@LBerger: Sure. Edited again. :)

2019-02-20 09:30:36 -0600 edited question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale I did this first: auto mantiuk = cv::createTonemapMantiuk(1, sc

2019-02-19 07:31:32 -0600 commented question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

@LBerger: Thanks for replying! Please see the edit to my question. :)

2019-02-19 07:29:30 -0600 edited question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale I did this first: auto mantiuk = cv::createTonemapMantiuk(1, sc

2019-02-18 05:44:30 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-02-18 05:44:30 -0600 edited question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale I did this first: auto mantiuk = cv::createTonemapMantiuk(1, sc

2019-02-18 05:16:23 -0600 asked a question Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale

Mantiuk+equalizeHist doesn't depend on the passed scale I did this first: auto mantiuk = cv::createTonemapMantiuk(1, sc