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martin.92's profile - activity

2018-12-13 02:26:11 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-11-22 05:48:21 -0600 commented question Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository

It has compiled successfully. I'm really grateful for your help, it seems like I only have had to search longer for the

2018-11-22 04:22:34 -0600 commented question Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository

Thank you for your quick response! I have fixed the link, it was meant to be OpenCV 3.4.3. There was no output, just a w

2018-11-22 04:10:39 -0600 edited question Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository

Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository Hello everyone, I'm struggling with the including of opencv_contrib.

2018-11-22 04:10:16 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-11-22 04:10:16 -0600 edited question Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository

Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository Hello everyone, I'm struggling with the including of opencv_contrib.

2018-11-22 03:27:57 -0600 asked a question Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository

Error with cmake and the opencv_contrib repository Hello everyone, I'm struggling with the including of opencv_contrib.