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2018-11-22 01:14:26 -0600 commented question Why am I getting these errors: cannot find opencv2/contrib.h , opencv2/core/private.hpp when I am trying to compile codes from opencv_contrib modules?

Thanks for your clarifications.

2018-11-20 23:59:42 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-11-20 23:59:42 -0600 edited question Why am I getting these errors: cannot find opencv2/contrib.h , opencv2/core/private.hpp when I am trying to compile codes from opencv_contrib modules?

Why am I getting these errors: cannot find opencv2/contrib.h , opencv2/core/private.hpp when I am trying to compile co

2018-11-20 23:57:50 -0600 asked a question Why am I getting these errors: cannot find opencv2/contrib.h , opencv2/core/private.hpp when I am trying to compile codes from opencv_contrib modules?

Why am I getting these errors: cannot find opencv2/contrib.h , opencv2/core/private.hpp when I am trying to compile co