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2018-11-16 10:31:52 -0600 commented answer OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist

not sure what u mean

2018-11-16 09:53:22 -0600 commented answer OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist

should we create a github issue?

2018-11-14 10:50:34 -0600 commented answer OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist

@berak so python opencv just doesn't support it?

2018-11-13 09:00:13 -0600 commented question OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist

hi there, the version is 3.4.3. I've installed opencv using pip package opencv-python, do you think it can be the case?

2018-11-13 05:50:38 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-11-13 03:17:52 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist

OpenCV Python: can not pass UMat to calcHist Hello, everyone! I'm trying to pass cv2.UMat object to cv2.calcHist functi