2018-01-30 20:43:30 -0600 | commented answer | Zoom lens Calibration Thanks for your reply. |
2018-01-30 20:41:42 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2018-01-30 16:08:29 -0600 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2018-01-30 16:08:29 -0600 | edited question | Zoom lens Calibration Camera Calibration for zoom lens Maybe, this is a silly question, currently I have a len (AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5 |
2018-01-30 16:06:12 -0600 | asked a question | Zoom lens Calibration Camera Calibration for zoom lens Maybe, this is a silly question, currently I have a len (AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5 |
2016-04-30 13:01:29 -0600 | commented question | Python. K-nearest neighbour TypeError: samples data type = 17 is not supported Thanks for the comment berek, I've read something of BOW before, I'm currently learning about computer image classify, so I'm doing this just for understand machine learning. Thanks. |
2016-04-29 17:00:49 -0600 | asked a question | Python. K-nearest neighbour TypeError: samples data type = 17 is not supported I'm trying to classify some images using SIFT for detect and compute keypoints and descriptors, and then use KNN for classify them into python interpreter: But I'm a little stuck with the next error: I really don't know how can fix this. Any help would be great. files is a list with 10 images, so the loop detects and computes keypoints and descriptor for each image. Thanks |
2016-04-06 10:18:48 -0600 | received badge | ● Scholar (source) |
2016-04-06 10:01:08 -0600 | commented answer | Python. Compute keypoints and descriptor with multiple images Hi Darek, this solved my problem, Thanks for your answer. |
2016-04-06 01:09:06 -0600 | asked a question | Python. Compute keypoints and descriptor with multiple images I'm trying to compute keypoints and descriptors for a given set of images with cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT. I want to create an array with all keypoints from every images and another array for descriptors too: When I run it, output says: What I'm doing wrong? If I delete Thanks in advance José Soto |