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2018-10-15 10:50:28 -0600 commented question OpenCV.js Unable to load cascade file

I have, I'm struggling to see what is going wrong.

2018-10-15 10:33:25 -0600 asked a question OpenCV.js Unable to load cascade file

OpenCV.js Unable to load cascade file Hi. I'm having an issue where my project is unable to load the cascade file I want

2018-10-14 09:28:13 -0600 commented question OpenCV.js Assertion failed in detectMultiScale

I've changed the version to 3.4.3. The error is still occurring though. Any suggestions?

2018-10-14 09:28:06 -0600 commented question OpenCV.js Assertion failed in detectMultiScale

I've changed the version to 3.4.1. The error is still occurring though. Any suggestions?

2018-10-13 20:48:03 -0600 asked a question OpenCV.js Assertion failed in detectMultiScale

OpenCV.js Assertion failed in detectMultiScale Hi! So I'm new to OpenCV and JavaScript in general but I'm trying to deve