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2018-09-19 02:57:24 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-09-19 01:13:20 -0600 commented question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

Thank you for helping, I did it without using a multi-threading >> instead use only a videocapture() objects for e

2018-09-17 09:10:28 -0600 commented question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

I knew the simple idea of multi-threading. Sorry but I don't get the idea of the link on how to apply to mine, I never w

2018-09-17 04:52:08 -0600 commented question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

Sorry, I tried to read the blog that you gave but I don't seem to understand about the code(which is C)and explaination

2018-09-17 02:18:26 -0600 commented question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

thank you :) will look in it

2018-09-17 01:04:45 -0600 commented question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

It's right that I have 4 cameras and have to take 4 videos. But let assume that I already have 4 video files. I want the

2018-09-16 04:04:06 -0600 asked a question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video Hi, How can I write a multiple VideoCapture object as an se

2018-09-16 04:04:05 -0600 asked a question Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video

Multiple Videocapture object for a new written single video Hi, How can I write a multiple VideoCapture object as an se