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2016-06-08 01:54:34 -0600 asked a question image.type() function in opencv returns some value, how do we know what type that value represents?

I have different types of images (8 bit 1 channel, 16 bit 1 channel etc). To determine the type of the image, i am using the Mat::type() function.

for some images it returns 2, for some it returns 16 etc etc. What type does this 2 and 16 represents.

If I can get a list of these image types, it would be the best. Thanks

2016-04-13 23:54:09 -0600 asked a question how does the opencv function calcOpticalFlowFarneback deals with occlusions?

for a video sequence, consider two consequent frames having some motions. Then it is very obvious that there would be some pixels in first frame that won't have a match in second frame. How do we find whether the pixel in first frame is matched or not with a pixel in the second frame by looking at the 2 channel output of the function?

2016-04-04 06:19:00 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-04-04 01:02:19 -0600 asked a question "flow" in "calcOpticalFlowFarneback(...)

what does the "flow" variable in "calcOpticalFlowFarneback(...)" contains after the function is executed?

In farneback dense optical flow of opencv, the inputOutput array flow is of type 32FC2 (i.e. 32bit float type having 2 channels).

What does this flow variable contain in its two channels after the execution of the function calcOpticalFlowFarneback(....).

I went through the opencv source code of this function but got too much confused after reading it, please help.

2016-04-04 00:09:38 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-04-01 06:28:35 -0600 asked a question How do we find which function belongs to which opencv library?

i actually want to find the library that must be added to the linker which has the function calcOpticalFlowFarneback(......).