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2020-01-19 11:32:45 -0600 edited question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7 I've tried to simplify replicating this issue by using the comman

2020-01-19 10:19:33 -0600 commented question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

I think I've now got a configuration that includes Python3 (details to follow) but now the VS2019 install step fails wit

2020-01-19 08:40:15 -0600 commented question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

@berak. the script nukes ./build every time it is invoked. extra. is there another cache folder? space before -D added t

2020-01-19 08:36:03 -0600 commented question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

@LBerger -G specifiies generator (VS2019 in this case) -A is architecture. x64 here.

2020-01-19 08:35:11 -0600 commented question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

@berak. the script nukes ./build every time it is invoked. extra. is there another cache folder? space before -D added t

2020-01-19 07:24:11 -0600 asked a question Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7

Take 2: Building cv2_xxx.pyd for Windows x64/Python3.7 I've tried to simplify replicating this issue by using the comman

2020-01-18 17:43:42 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

@LBerger. I have newer packages installed for all of the dependencies you list (see below). Irrespective, CMake is (ap

2020-01-18 11:27:03 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

@lberger. OK thank you that might be helpful. From where should these packages be sourced and where installed? Please gi

2020-01-18 11:23:12 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

@berak. I am no stranger to cmake foolishness. see link text Thanks again.

2020-01-18 11:20:45 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

aha. Interesting. Unavailable: gapi java js python2 python3 link text

2020-01-18 11:09:16 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

Hello berak. Thanks for the help here. Much appreciated. link text

2020-01-18 10:44:46 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

Nothing: R:\src\libs\opencv\build\lib>ls -R .: Debug Release ./Debug: opencv_calib3d420d.exp opencv_featur

2020-01-18 10:43:37 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

Nothing: R:\src\libs\opencv\build\lib>ls Debug Release

2020-01-18 10:43:03 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

Zip: R:\src\libs\opencv\build\lib>ls Debug Release

2020-01-18 09:36:20 -0600 edited question OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file? CMake is AFAICT correctly configured and pro

2020-01-18 09:35:56 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

So I've reconfigured with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS left unchecked in the CMake GUI, regenerated the VS project files, and then

2020-01-18 09:35:23 -0600 commented answer OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

So I've reconfigured with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS left unchecked in the CMake GUI, regenerated the VS project files, and then

2020-01-18 08:19:25 -0600 edited question OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file? CMake is AFAICT correctly configured and pro

2020-01-18 08:19:16 -0600 edited question OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file? CMake is AFAICT correctly configured and pro

2020-01-18 08:16:20 -0600 asked a question OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file?

OpenCV build for Windows x64/Python3.7 from source. Where is the .pyd file? CMake is AFAICT correctly configured and pro

2018-08-21 10:42:53 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2018-08-21 10:42:50 -0600 marked best answer [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

A bit complex this one. Configuring from a 3.4.1 tarball for aarch64 works if the cmake configuration stage is run on a native ARM64 machine. However, in a chroot with correctly installed Python 3 and numpy it fails. Any thoughts welcomed.

I think the core problem is CMake cannot complete the numpy probe. From the log below:

 Cannot probe for Python/Numpy support (because we are cross-compiling OpenCV)

Running python3 in the chroot gives this.

Python 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)  
[GCC 6.3.0 20170118] on linux Type "help", "copyright",
"credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.__version__ '1.15.0'

file /usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/bin/python3.5: ELF 64-bit LSB
shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0,
BuildID[sha1]=125327436b53ba5dbbc02d359984226437a132ce, stripped

The configuration options are (please bear in mind this is for an embedded platform so dependencies are minimized as far as possible)


The config.log file (why no text attachments BTW?) contains this:

-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.3.0
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 6.3.0
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX11 (check file: cmake/checks/cxx11.cpp)
-- Performing Test HAVE_CXX11 - Success
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (found suitable version "2.7.13", minimum required is "2.7") 
-- Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing:  PYTHON_LIBRARIES PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.7")
-- Cannot probe for Python/Numpy support (because we are cross-compiling OpenCV)
-- If ...
2018-08-21 10:17:19 -0600 edited question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

[Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in a chroot. A bit complex this one. Configuring from a 3.4.1 tarb

2018-08-21 10:12:13 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-08-21 10:12:13 -0600 edited question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in a chroot. A bit complex this one. Configuring from a 3.4.1 tarball for a

2018-08-21 10:11:58 -0600 commented question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Setting the NUMPY version directly _does_ work -D PYTHON3_NUMPY_VERSION="1.15.0". Thanks again.

2018-08-21 10:08:47 -0600 commented question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

I figured setting the NUMPY version directly might work -D PYTHON3_NUMPY_VERSION="1.15.0" but it does not. I will post a

2018-08-21 10:02:08 -0600 commented question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Thanks Berak, input much appreciated. I wonder if there is another -D setting that points to numpy binaries, as opposed

2018-08-21 09:56:30 -0600 commented question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Thanks again. The only python/numpy binaries in the chroot are aarch64, everything is being run via qemu-system-aarch64.

2018-08-21 09:29:28 -0600 commented question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Thanks, can you clarify a bit? Are you suggesting that a) CMake is failing to find the Arm64 binaries for numpy or b) i

2018-08-21 08:43:48 -0600 asked a question [Solved] Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in an Arm64 chroot.

Cannot configure OpenCV with Python3 support in a chroot. A bit complex this one. Configuring from a 3.4.1 tarball for a