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2018-10-17 01:24:00 -0600 commented question Fire detecion and smoke detection

Thanks for the insight holger.Combining smoke and fire is also an interesting way to look into the problem.

2018-10-16 04:24:32 -0600 commented question Fire detecion and smoke detection

Sure will hoogle it :p. Thanks for your response.

2018-10-16 03:49:54 -0600 commented question Fire detecion and smoke detection

I do not have any idea about working of LBP. Can you please suggest will in work on fire images? Yes i will think about

2018-10-16 03:48:40 -0600 edited question Fire detecion and smoke detection

Fire detecion and smoke detection I want to create 2 binary classifier model 1) Fire detection 2) Smoke detection Can

2018-10-16 03:47:57 -0600 edited question Fire detecion and smoke detection

Fire detecion and smoke detection I want to create 2 binary classifier model 1) Fire detection 2) Smoke detection Can

2018-10-16 02:19:05 -0600 commented question Fire detecion and smoke detection

I hope we both are on same page, logistic regression is also a binary classifier.And yes i can go with binary classifica

2018-10-16 02:18:49 -0600 commented question Fire detecion and smoke detection

I hope we both are on same page, logistic regression is also a binary classifier.And yes i can go with binary classifica

2018-10-16 00:24:53 -0600 asked a question Fire detecion and smoke detection

Fire detecion and smoke detection I want to create 2 binary classifier model 1) Fire detection 2) Smoke detection Can

2018-09-29 00:01:34 -0600 edited question Number plate recognition using tessract

Number plate recognition using tessract I am planning to perform ocr on Indian number plates.I used tessract 4.0 beta wh

2018-09-29 00:01:07 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-09-29 00:01:07 -0600 edited question Number plate recognition using tessract

Number plate recognition using tessract I am planning to perform ocr on Indian number plates.I used tessract 4.0 beta wh

2018-09-28 06:45:52 -0600 commented question Number plate recognition using tessract

I looked at openalpr but for my application tesseract fits better. Also i removed noise using thresholding and eliminati

2018-09-28 06:44:44 -0600 commented question Number plate recognition using tessract

I looked at openalpr but for my application tesseract fits better.

2018-09-27 02:42:26 -0600 asked a question Number plate recognition using tessract

Number plate recognition using tessract I am planning to perform ocr on Indian number plates.I used tessract 4.0 beta wh

2018-09-15 05:30:12 -0600 asked a question Fire detection Colour range

Fire detection Colour range I am trying to use Range() function to extract fire from an image.Although results ar

2018-08-28 07:01:18 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-08-02 08:12:08 -0600 asked a question Facial hair detection

Facial hair detection Can anyone please suggest best facial hair detection algorithm without using machine learning?