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2020-08-14 02:20:22 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-08-21 07:09:52 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

"you are convinced that text is always surrounded by complete blobs" This is what my aim is. I am not getting every blo

2018-08-21 07:03:33 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

"you are convinced that text is always surrounded by complete blobs" This is what my aim is. I am not getting every blo

2018-08-21 07:03:17 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

you are convinced that text is always surrounded by complete blobs This is what my aim is. I am not getting every block

2018-08-21 07:02:53 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

you are convinced that text is always surrounded by complete blobs This is what my aim is. I am not getting every block

2018-08-21 06:37:43 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

The output is very similar to east, and selecting contours is not easy in this case. I want to select contours first the

2018-08-21 04:37:31 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

I will give it a try and get back to you. Thanks for the suggestion.

2018-08-21 03:52:57 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

I can still remove noise based on the contour area or the dimensions of contour. But first I want to make sure I am dete

2018-08-21 03:38:08 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

That's the problem. I'm not sure of the region because the images are not standard. I don't know where the area (area of

2018-08-21 03:22:53 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

Thanks for the help. But I would still like to try this approach. I had a different pipeline with EAST before where I wa

2018-08-20 12:26:38 -0600 commented answer Detect Contours

The problem is I don't need the complete text. If you see the image, I only need specific text blocks. I have used EAST

2018-08-20 06:58:09 -0600 edited question Detect Contours

Detect Contours I am working on a text detection problem from image. The primary task is to identify blocks of text and

2018-08-20 06:56:14 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-08-20 06:56:14 -0600 edited question Detect Contours

Detect Contours I am working on a text detection problem from image. The primary task is to identify blocks of text and

2018-08-20 06:54:17 -0600 asked a question Detect Contours

Detect Contours I am working on a text detection problem from image. The primary task is to identify blocks of text and

2018-07-27 07:23:36 -0600 asked a question module cv2.cv2 has no attribute 'text'

module cv2.cv2 has no attribute 'text' I am trying to use textdetection`algorithm. But I'm getting an error in line 27