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2018-07-25 04:31:34 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-07-25 04:31:34 -0600 edited question Gray scale image Y component value does not match

Gray scale image Y component value does not match I have a grayscale image converted from the colour image using Gimp to

2018-07-25 04:29:12 -0600 asked a question Gray scale image Y component value does not match

Gray scale image Y component value does not match I have a grayscale image. I have converted this to grayscale using Gim

2018-07-24 00:08:00 -0600 commented question SVM trained model recognizes false image as true

Even to test against the same trained images?

2018-07-23 09:07:04 -0600 asked a question SVM trained model recognizes false image as true

SVM trained model recognizes false image as true I have a simple SVM code to train and test the model for checking wheth