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2020-03-05 22:23:46 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-07-13 18:50:00 -0600 commented question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

Yes, I discovered last night how the taxing the decoding process of JPEGs are. The webcam does have raw image support,

2018-07-12 22:15:18 -0600 edited question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

[Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive So I'm trying to process a 720p@30FPS video live from a webcam, o

2018-07-12 21:46:14 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-07-12 21:46:14 -0600 edited question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

[Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive So I'm trying to process a 720p@30FPS video live from a webcam, o

2018-07-12 07:51:54 -0600 commented question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

Frankly, the method of getting framerate is a bit besides the point. The CPU is getting 100% maxed out without doing an

2018-07-12 07:36:34 -0600 commented question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

Frankly, the method of getting framerate is a bit besides the point. The CPU is getting 100% maxed out and I know for a

2018-07-12 01:15:47 -0600 asked a question [Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive

[Python] VideoCapture .read() is way too CPU intensive So I'm trying to process a 720p@30FPS video live from a webcam, o