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2018-06-29 07:49:51 -0600 commented question How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar

Ouch... Is there a way to detect that the logo exists, and if so if it is similar ?

2018-06-29 07:20:49 -0600 commented question How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar

The set of logos is undefined, so I don't believe that training will work. What are alternative ways of detecting log

2018-06-29 06:58:28 -0600 commented question How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar

Thanks - I'll look into template matching. I was unclear if template matching would work with poor quality images (scan

2018-06-29 06:57:26 -0600 commented question How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar

Thanks - I'll look into template matching. I was unclear if template matching would work with poor quality images (scan

2018-06-29 06:23:00 -0600 asked a question How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar

How can I detect logos in scanned documents, and identify if two logos are similar I have files that comprise of scanned