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2018-11-29 05:49:57 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2018-11-29 05:26:58 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-11-29 05:26:58 -0600 edited answer memory leak in OpenCV 3.4.0

This is not a real leak in the sense that you will run out of memory if you do some things over and over again. As far a

2018-11-19 05:16:15 -0600 answered a question memory leak in OpenCV 3.4.0

This is not a real leak in the sense that you will run out of memory if you do some things over and over again. As far a

2018-09-06 04:12:50 -0600 commented question Using OPENCL is slower than normal version

Glimpsing at the source I get the impression, that UMat is converted into Mat.

2018-09-06 04:10:23 -0600 commented question Using OPENCL is slower than normal version

Glimpsing at the source I get the impression, that UMat is converted into Mat.

2018-09-06 02:59:51 -0600 commented question Using OPENCL is slower than normal version

Often you will get an answer that says: The first time a GPU Kernel is called takes ages because it needs to compile fir

2018-09-06 02:26:46 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast