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2018-06-19 08:39:32 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

hahah okay, I won't try that... thanks for your advice @berak the type is correct, float32 I did not understand this

2018-06-19 07:59:21 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

@dkurt size of .caffemodel is 300x300, is it okay? Thanks for your answers!

2018-06-19 07:54:47 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

@berak thanks for your answers

2018-06-19 07:53:53 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

@dkurt, shape of blob is (1, 3, 300, 300), how do I check type?

2018-06-19 07:47:20 -0600 edited question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning Hi, I'm doin

2018-06-19 07:40:42 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

I have actually made another face detection, like the one you mention berak, with ROS using a different tutorial. I woul

2018-06-19 07:36:54 -0600 commented question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

the camera is an external industrial camera, not a webcam. The ROS configuration was already set from before. I could of

2018-06-19 06:35:35 -0600 edited question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed .bashrc deep learning Hi, I'm doing a project including ROS and OpenCV. ROS kinetic is us

2018-06-19 06:35:19 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-06-19 06:35:19 -0600 edited question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed .bashrc deep learning Hi, I'm doing a project including ROS and OpenCV. ROS kinetic is us

2018-06-19 06:02:49 -0600 asked a question ros kinetic dnn -- OpenCV Error: Assertion failed -- cv2.error -- error: (-215) -- .bashrc -- deep learning

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed .bashrc deep learning Hi, I'm doing a project including ROS and OpenCV. ROS kinetic is us