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2017-11-04 06:43:20 -0600 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2017-09-20 04:04:07 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

@Tetragramm: could you rephrase that? Did you mean that I should get the mean value of my template image and substract i

2017-09-20 03:03:50 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

@Tetragramm: could you rephrase that? Did you mean that I should get the mean value of my template image and substract i

2017-09-19 10:46:15 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

Desperate as I am, I checked out 3.0.0, removed all the SSE and -O3 optimizations, compiled in debug with the strict min

2017-09-19 03:43:49 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

IPP OFF ; OpenCL OFF -> same result.. :(

2017-09-18 12:45:42 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

I don't have the issue on ubuntu 17.04 with opencv 3.0.0. Though, on Arch linux, with the same version (git checkout 3.0

2017-09-18 12:44:51 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

I don't have the issue on ubuntu 17.04 with opencv 3.0.0. Though, on Arch linux, with the same version (git checkout 3.0

2017-09-16 09:06:52 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

I have a colleague who told me he doesn't have this problem. I'll write down here his version of opencv, linux, and comp

2017-09-16 08:19:02 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-09-16 08:10:14 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

Sorry for the pictures, they were uploaded on ImgBB. I rectified. As for the code, I didn't code anything here. My issue

2017-09-16 08:09:47 -0600 commented question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

Sorry for the pictures, they were uploaded on ImgBB. I rectified. As for the code, I didn't code anything here. My issue

2017-09-16 08:02:52 -0600 edited question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results Hi! I've been having troubbles with OpenCV's matchTemp

2017-09-16 08:00:44 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-09-16 08:00:44 -0600 edited question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results Hi! I've been having troubbles with OpenCV's matchTemp

2017-09-16 06:56:11 -0600 asked a question OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results

OpenCV's matchTemplate tutorial code not giving expected results Hi! I've been having troubbles with OpenCV's matchTemp

2017-05-16 05:57:09 -0600 asked a question OpenGL Camera to OpenCV Projection matrix


I am trying to retrieve an OpenGL camera's parameters and use them for image processing.

I have my 4x4 Modelview from which I extract the camera's position and orientation as such:

Matrix3 R = glModelview.to3x3()
R.rotate(1, 0, 0, M_PI) // flip z axis 
Vector3 camera_pos(glModelview[0][3], glModelview[1][3], glModelview[2][3]); // world position in camera's coordinates

I retrieve the focal length and principal point from the Projection matrix as follow:

glP = glProjectionMatrix;
double w = d_imageSize.x();
double h = d_imageSize.y();

double fx = 0.5 * w * glP[0][0];
double fy = 0.5 * h * (1.0 + glP[1][1]);
double cx = 0.5 * w * (1.0 - glP[0][3]);
double cy = 0.5 * h * (1.0 + glP[1][3]);

I now have my intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, and just compose the projection matrix. Though it seems that I am missing something, as depending on the size of my OpenGL window (viewport) I get different results. How could I integrate the viewport in my projection matrix?

Thanks in advance :)