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2020-04-15 12:18:58 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

I wanted to be in the same window, I think the problem is in the second function , frame should be converted to PIL form

2020-04-15 12:09:52 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

I wanted to be in the same window, I think the problem is in the second function , frame should be converted to PIL form

2020-04-15 12:05:17 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-04-14 13:25:44 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshowt frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My task

2020-04-14 13:25:03 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add ' cv2.imshowt' frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My ta

2020-04-14 13:24:05 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow **cv2.imshowt** frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter wi

2020-04-14 13:23:17 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow *cv2.imshowt* frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter wind

2020-04-14 13:22:26 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow **cv2.imshowt**frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter win

2020-04-14 13:14:08 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My task t

2020-04-14 13:10:52 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My task t

2020-04-14 13:10:20 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you #supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My task

2020-04-14 13:09:44 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Thank you supara56, but when I add cv2.imshow frame will be shown separated window not inside tkinter window. My task t

2020-04-13 13:52:12 -0600 edited question Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)? I am new in field of programming, and the task of my proje

2020-04-13 13:27:18 -0600 edited question Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)? I am new in field of programming, and the task of my proje

2020-04-13 13:26:39 -0600 commented answer Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

when I use waitKey() it shows the frame in separated window not inside tkinter window.

2020-04-13 12:41:46 -0600 asked a question Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)?

Why gui stop capturing video from camera(opencv with python)? I am new in field of programming, and the task of my proje

2018-06-15 09:04:16 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-06-05 10:00:16 -0600 commented question Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in advance

please any help..

2018-06-05 09:58:16 -0600 edited question Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in advance

Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in a

2018-06-05 09:47:51 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-06-05 09:47:51 -0600 edited question Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in advance

Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in a

2018-06-05 09:36:09 -0600 commented question Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in advance

the assignment is to use HSV

2018-06-05 04:54:57 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in advance

Is it possible to do image subtraction then automatic threshold to detect only the red object in live video ?Thanks in a

2018-06-03 06:32:13 -0600 commented question automatic hue threshold

@LBerger,thank you very much,the assignment was to find the red color in video by using only H channel and automatic th

2018-06-02 04:02:58 -0600 asked a question automatic hue threshold

I am new in opencv c++ and I wrote the code below to detect red color in real time video, but my teacher asked me to do