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2018-05-31 08:55:18 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-05-30 22:05:40 -0600 answered a question I trained a cnn model and save as .pb file. got wrong answer using opencv3.41 dnn module

It is my mistake in resizing images during convert my training images to TFRecod file. Thanks for all to notice this iss

2018-05-26 02:30:10 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-05-26 02:30:10 -0600 edited question I trained a cnn model and save as .pb file. got wrong answer using opencv3.41 dnn module

I trained a cnn model and save as .pb file. got wrong answer using opencv3.41 dnn module here is my pb file and some tes

2018-05-24 22:32:53 -0600 asked a question I trained a cnn model and save as .pb file. got wrong answer using opencv3.41 dnn module

I trained a cnn model and save as .pb file. got wrong answer using opencv3.41 dnn module using tensorflow, got correct p