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2018-08-28 11:44:21 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-05-08 21:03:54 -0600 marked best answer Filtering false match from matchTemplate function

How do I filter the false match returned from matchTemplate best match? Here are the sample images:

This is the sub image: SubImage

The sub-image is found correctly in this image: Correct Match

But not in this image: Bad Match

How do I check for a bad match (like the example above) and filter it out?

Example results:

  • Good match:

Good Match  Example

  • Bad match:

Bad Match Example

2018-05-08 13:33:59 -0600 commented answer Filtering false match from matchTemplate function

I solved the problem by using the NORMED variants and remove the normalize call, then use minVal or maxVal as similarity

2018-05-08 05:10:37 -0600 commented question Filtering false match from matchTemplate function

@berak the same code as the official tutorial, with modification to image paths:

2018-05-08 05:04:20 -0600 asked a question Filtering false match from matchTemplate function

Filtering false match from matchTemplate function How do I filter the false match returned from matchTemplate best match