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2020-10-27 06:07:48 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-04-19 09:03:10 -0600 commented question error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file

@berak thank you so much, I was just being stupid, it really was not what I was expecting and I missed to check that. Th

2018-04-19 07:57:11 -0600 commented question error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file

thank you! good to know, it helps to know where is problem, I will look into it!

2018-04-19 07:37:56 -0600 commented question error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file

It is the haarcascade_frontalcatface.xml

2018-04-17 13:58:39 -0600 commented question error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file

thank you for your reply, the file size is ok (~6MB)

2018-04-17 13:45:55 -0600 asked a question error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file

error starting CascadeClassifier with xml file I am trying to initialize my Cascade classifier with cascade = cv2.Cascad