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2019-03-09 03:00:23 -0600 commented answer I want to run DisplayImage in another PC without installing OpenCv

so you mean to say there is no clear way of doing this and even if I do it's not worth doing? This method would have red

2019-03-08 05:36:24 -0600 asked a question I want to run DisplayImage in another PC without installing OpenCv

I want to run DisplayImage in another PC without installing OpenCv Hi Everybody, This could be the dumbest query.

2018-09-08 05:57:57 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

Hello @dkurt and all others , do you have any answer to my problem? Thanks..

2018-09-05 07:38:47 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

@dkurt, actually I have tried to implement. I'm facing some unknown error about which I have no idea. modified object_d

2018-09-05 04:28:40 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

@dkurt I want a sample application so that I can use the model .pb file and configuration .pbtxt file to test. I hope y

2018-09-05 00:05:39 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

Hello @dkurt, I followed the guide and now able to run the python code. Is there any repo or example for the same thin

2018-09-05 00:05:06 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

Hello @dkurt, I followed the guide and able to run the python code. Is there and repo or example for the same thing th

2018-09-04 06:58:42 -0600 commented answer Tensorflow Custom Model in OpenCV

Hey @dkurt, how did you get this 'ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_hat.pbtxt'? I have trained a mdel for a single class and I have

2018-04-24 13:26:19 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-04-07 02:18:35 -0600 asked a question Tracking without colour

Tracking without colour Hello all, here I have a problem statement. I have a solution for object tracking with c