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2018-04-04 07:52:38 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-03-28 14:06:43 -0600 commented question Return Mat_<float> data not uchar

Well that's unfortunate. Isn't that what cv::Mat_<T> is for? To handle template classes.

2018-03-28 13:59:07 -0600 commented question Return Mat_<float> data not uchar

This is an older code base and the main class/object is built on templates. // Templated on the number of channels. tem

2018-03-28 13:45:57 -0600 commented question Return Mat_<float> data not uchar

Ok, then I should use cv::imread(filename.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) But are you also saying that cv::Mat_<T> i

2018-03-28 13:23:42 -0600 asked a question Return Mat_<float> data not uchar

Return Mat_<float> data not uchar I'm refactoring some code from cimg to opencv. I have the following lines that s