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2018-05-08 10:13:09 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-05-08 07:55:32 -0600 marked best answer undefined reference to cv::softdouble::operator/

Hei !

I have build opencv 3.4 with openblas, lapack, ipp, tbb and avx support on ubuntu x64. At the end, I take the .a files (both opencv_* and 3rd parties) to put them in a special folder for my project. My project only needs core, videoio, highgui, imgproc and imgcodecs modules of opencv. I precise that my project already works with opencv 3.2 (linux and windows). I'm now trying to update it to 3.4 with the supports mentioned above. Nevertheless, when I build it, I get several "undefined reference to" about cv::softdouble/float operators, cv::cbrt, cvRound, cvTrunc, mulAdd and pow. I don't have those issues on windows.

The doc mentions that those functions are in core module so I don't understand why they are not found. Do you know what are the missing dependencies ?


2018-03-06 09:33:11 -0600 asked a question undefined reference to cv::softdouble::operator/

undefined reference to cv::softdouble::operator/ Hei ! I have build opencv 3.4 with openblas, lapack, ipp, tbb and avx