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2018-02-06 06:34:26 -0600 commented question What does cv2.bitwise_and do? What are its parameters?

@berak like in that example, in bitwise_not(), we passed in the mask as the parameter, it inverted the mask (apparently

2018-02-06 06:08:22 -0600 commented question What does cv2.bitwise_and do? What are its parameters?

Thanks! I checked out the newer documentation for bitwise_and but I still don't understand what it does.

2018-02-06 06:08:07 -0600 commented question What does cv2.bitwise_and do? What are its parameters?

Thanks! I checked out the newer documentation for bitwise_and but I don't understand what it does.

2018-02-06 05:36:38 -0600 asked a question What does cv2.bitwise_and do? What are its parameters?

What does cv2.bitwise_and do? What are its parameters? I'm just starting out with OpenCV and following this tutorial: ht