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2017-12-21 21:24:34 -0600 commented answer How many frames is it when I call videoWriter.write?

Hi supra, thanks for your response, I know what you mean. I am capturing frame from a camera and save into .avi file. In

2017-12-21 11:26:32 -0600 asked a question How many frames is it when I call videoWriter.write?

How many frames is it when I call videoWriter.write? In constructor function of VideoWriter, I set the fps is 10. But I

2017-12-21 11:26:32 -0600 asked a question How many frames is it when I call videoWriter.write?

How many frames is it when I call videoWriter.write? In constructor function of VideoWriter, I set the fps is 10. But I

2017-12-21 11:26:31 -0600 answered a question VideoWriter fps parameter

I am also trouble in this issue. I set 10 fps in constructor function of VideoWriter, but I call videoWriter.write(frame