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2017-11-26 06:30:43 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

its the" //path to a program cmake_sh:filepath=cmake_sh-not found" that interests me. you think if I change that to the

2017-11-26 06:27:04 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

okay I had run cmake the day before and after file explorer to search mingw/bin in codeblocks found this "cmakecache.txt

2017-11-26 05:49:22 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

okay but still not understanding I've got win 10, codeblocks 16.01 migw32x64. if your talking about sys setting on compu

2017-11-26 05:06:53 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

I misspoke there were ways to do it but they were "just add path_this\that\theother" and I have no idea where to add tho

2017-11-26 05:00:54 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

yes but I couldn't find a way to put it on the path

2017-11-26 04:15:45 -0600 commented question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

yes I downloaded cmake and tried several of the ways that google said but still "missing libntl-8.dll"

2017-11-25 20:15:40 -0600 asked a question install opencv3 to codeblocks "missing libintl-8.dll"

hi im trying to install opencv3 to codeblocks but get "missing libintl-8.dll" i spent all day yesterday searching for a