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2020-06-26 03:15:24 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-08-22 09:25:59 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-07-25 08:50:42 -0600 commented question Extracting data from scanned documents from predefined tables with known position

As @berak mentioned. Also I assume the reason why 255 (white) is used for data, is probably due to the similarity of bin

2018-07-23 09:39:55 -0600 commented question Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2

It was my anti-virus who apparantly killed the process at random places. After stopping it, I can now succesfully compil

2018-07-23 08:34:25 -0600 commented question Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2

I have a Quadro M1200 with Compute Capability of 5.0, according to wikipedia Cuda 9.X supports compute capability 3.0 –

2018-07-23 08:14:37 -0600 commented question Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2

It worked WITH_CUDA=OFF, failed compiled one time, but re-ran the make command and then it managed to complete. I kinda

2018-07-23 07:18:43 -0600 commented question Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2

Yeah, and just did it again to test. It crashes with /home/mikeyr/opencv/opencv-3.4.2/modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cud

2018-07-23 06:13:31 -0600 asked a question Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2

Protobuf build error OpenCV 3.4.2 Cuda: 9.2 Gcc: 5.4.0 Ubuntu 16.04 Kernel: 4.15.0-24-generic When building OpenCV 3.4.2