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2017-10-27 18:48:30 -0600 commented question Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter

Alright, well, we'll see what happens

2017-10-26 13:42:26 -0600 commented question Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter

How does it decide what to throw away and is there a method that is optimal for computer vision, at least in this contex

2017-10-26 11:57:37 -0600 commented question Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter

I'm on my phone right now, away from my development environment. May I ask what outcome this has exactly?

2017-10-25 21:32:56 -0600 commented question Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter

If they aren't square to begin with how should I resize them?

2017-10-25 05:42:31 -0600 asked a question Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter

Looking for general advice on classification of paintings by painter I want to try to do something like this: http://cs