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r.a.'s profile - karma

r.a.'s karma change log

10 0 opencv_traincascade giving error: parameters cannot be written, because params.xml cannot be opened. ( 2016-12-06 08:53:50 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade Negative samples training method ( 2016-11-14 18:25:40 -0600 )

10 0 About Cascade Classifier Training ( 2014-08-05 21:39:34 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade Negative samples training method ( 2014-04-05 03:51:43 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade Negative samples training method ( 2014-03-06 03:14:02 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade giving error: parameters cannot be written, because params.xml cannot be opened. ( 2013-11-15 00:57:40 -0600 )

10 0 How to Combine Motion and Appearence descriptor ( 2013-11-05 11:56:41 -0600 )

15 0 How to Combine Motion and Appearence descriptor ( 2013-11-05 11:56:39 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade Negative samples training method ( 2013-11-04 04:43:27 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade negative samples training algorithm ( 2013-10-31 07:08:44 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade giving error: parameters cannot be written, because params.xml cannot be opened. ( 2013-10-29 05:21:46 -0600 )

10 0 What should the parameters given for the haartrainig to be a success? ( 2013-10-28 10:23:51 -0600 )

10 0 What should the parameters given for the haartrainig to be a success? ( 2013-10-28 09:56:17 -0600 )

10 0 opencv_traincascade negative samples training algorithm ( 2013-10-28 08:54:22 -0600 )

10 0 What should the parameters given for the haartrainig to be a success? ( 2013-10-28 08:53:56 -0600 )

10 0 Averaging Video Frames Into One Image ( 2013-10-27 15:52:42 -0600 )

5 0 opencv_traincascade Negative samples training method ( 2013-10-27 14:34:14 -0600 )