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2018-05-10 03:51:29 -0600 asked a question OpenCV equivalent to PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS

OpenCV equivalent to PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS Hi, I want to mimic behavior of PIL.Image.resize(...,interpolation=PIL.Image.A

2017-10-16 08:06:48 -0600 commented question How to parallelize video file frames decoding using OpenMP?

Thanks very much for answer. I will look into ffmpeg usage then to speedup frames loading/decoding.

2017-10-16 06:48:24 -0600 commented question How to parallelize video file frames decoding using OpenMP?

Ok, perhaps then I could make to VideoCapture objects reading the same file in parallel. It just both of them would be g

2017-10-13 13:08:55 -0600 asked a question How to parallelize video file frames decoding using OpenMP?

How to parallelize video file frames decoding using OpenMP? Hi, I'm very fresh user of OpenCV, so forgive me please nai