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2016-03-07 02:55:31 -0600 asked a question OpenCV 3.1 HAL int64 / interface.h

Hi everyone,

hopefully I'm right here. I think I've found a bug in the opencv2/core/hal/interface.h

In the header file above, some typedefs for the std integral types are defined, which could cause conflicts when combined with other 3rdparty libs (in my case - GEOS / GEOM).

For example, in opencv2/core/hal/interface.h, Line 56/57 we have:

   typedef __int64 int64;
   typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;

Is it really necessary to have unscoped typedefs like this? Moving them to the cv:: namespace would avoid conflicting typedef errors...which could be really annoying. In my case, the problem arised when testing our systems on Ubuntu 16.04 and thus with GCC 5.3.

Regards, Sparc