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adnan_318's profile - activity

2017-11-27 10:25:55 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2017-11-20 08:41:32 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-11-20 08:41:32 -0600 edited question Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++? Actually I want to apply notch filter to remove specific pattern in image just li

2017-11-19 20:53:50 -0600 commented answer Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Thank you for ur reply.I have question how can I remove some repetitive pattern in image just like line or circle using

2017-11-19 20:53:45 -0600 commented answer Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Thank you for ur reply.I have question how can I remove some repetitive pattern in image just like line or circle using

2017-11-19 20:13:43 -0600 commented answer Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Thank you for ue reply.I have question how can I remove some repetitive pattern in image just like line or circle using

2017-11-19 20:11:14 -0600 marked best answer Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Actually I want to apply notch filter to remove specific pattern in image just like (line ,circle ,etc..) . I want to remove some specific frequency of line or circle using notch filter or any other way of removing. Can some one guide me how can I remove specific repetitive pattern from image just like circle or line. if you give some example code it help me a lot. because currently I can not understand how I apply filter or notch to remove certain repetitive pattern form Image. Waiting to hear from you soon.image description

2017-11-19 20:11:14 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-11-19 02:22:52 -0600 asked a question Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++?

Frequency Domain Filtering opencv c++? Actually I want to apply notch filter to remove specific pattern in image just li

2017-09-27 02:15:14 -0600 asked a question how can we get the hough space (voting values) in hough circle algorithm using opencv c++

how can we get the hough space (voting values) in hough circle algorithm using opencv c++ HI, I work on hough circle det

2017-09-15 03:47:53 -0600 asked a question Plot Plot histogram of Sobel operator magnitude and angle in OpenCV c++?

Plot Plot histogram of Sobel operator magnitude and angle in OpenCV c++? want to plot histogram in OpenCV C++. The task

2017-09-06 01:34:02 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-09-05 20:54:52 -0600 asked a question Plot histogram of Sobel operator magnitude and angle in OpenCV?

Plot histogram of Sobel operator magnitude and angle in OpenCV? I want to plot histogram in OpenCV C++. The task is that

2017-08-28 04:49:39 -0600 asked a question Accumulator voting (parameter space) in hough circle transform opencv

Accumulator voting (parameter space) in hough circle transform opencv Hi I working on hough circle transform. I want to