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2016-03-04 05:28:34 -0600 commented answer Some questions about training LBP classifier.

Shouldn't LBP be rotation invariant?

2016-03-04 04:01:37 -0600 commented question Where are the correct include directories for OpenCV projects using a local build / self-build of OpenCV?

Yep,shall do that, thanks.

2016-03-04 03:31:46 -0600 commented question Where are the correct include directories for OpenCV projects using a local build / self-build of OpenCV?

Hi, setting the install path to a non standard location gives an error in Xcode when i link the .dylibs in my project. In my case the error is: dyld: Library not loaded: lib/libopencv_calib3d.3.1.dylib Reason: Image not found . I have given the relevant search paths w.r.t where the libraries are placed. Should i change the value of INSTALL_NAME_DIR from lib to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib?

2016-03-03 09:31:41 -0600 commented question Where are the correct include directories for OpenCV projects using a local build / self-build of OpenCV?

Okay solved, thanks!

2016-03-03 09:13:26 -0600 commented question Where are the correct include directories for OpenCV projects using a local build / self-build of OpenCV?

According to me make install will create symlinks of my headers and libs into usr/local and usr/include (right?), but i don't want opencv to be installed globally on my system, just the folder structure to be the same as it would have been had i installed it via brew into usr/local/Cellar, i.e., with the opencv/include/opencv2 folder containing the HPPs of all the other modules. Right now i just have opencv.hpp(within the opencv2 folder) and a couple of cmake and make files in my include folder .

2016-03-03 09:00:32 -0600 commented question Where are the correct include directories for OpenCV projects using a local build / self-build of OpenCV?

Hi, i'm facing the same issue, however i'm on a mac, and there is no INSTALL project that gets generated in my opencv folder. What alternate steps should i follow on the mac? Or should i also have had the INSTALL project to compile if things had gone correctly? (i just ran make and make)

2016-03-03 09:00:31 -0600 commented question OpenCV3 build from Github

Hi, i'm facing the same issue, however i'm on a mac, and there is no INSTALL project that gets generated in my opencv folder. What alternate steps should i follow on the mac? Or should i also have had the INSTALL project to compile if things had gone correctly? (i just ran cmake and make)