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2016-09-11 19:58:27 -0600 commented answer openCV 2.4.3 iOS background_segm.hpp 'list' file not found

Downvoted. Not an answer.

2014-01-22 11:34:01 -0600 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2013-08-26 13:45:06 -0600 commented answer Count the pixel (black or white) in real time.

You do not pass Matrix as argument, do you understand this?

2013-08-26 13:11:21 -0600 commented answer Count the pixel (black or white) in real time.

What you are trying to achieve with cv::countNonZero(masked == 255)? says argument must be array, not some logical comparison.

2013-08-26 13:07:54 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-08-20 23:45:37 -0600 answered a question Best Approach for Hand Gesture Recognition/Hand Mouse

I never worked on hand recognition myself but whatever OpenCV question I see, usually answer is in "Learning OpenCV" book. I strongly recommending it, saves time. In this book hand recognition topic is discussed with contours. provides multpiple posts about it.

2013-08-08 22:39:23 -0600 commented question Detecting the eye of the fish using opencv

You asked same question in different places and got similar answers. Value time other people spend on you and at mark some answers as accepted. People do not get even points from you otherwise. Same applies to other questions you asked in this site.

2013-08-07 13:42:46 -0600 commented question detection distance. / deteccion de distancia.

Get a book "Learning OpenCV". Explains many things including camera calibration already suggested. The rest is very basic school triangles math.

2013-08-07 13:38:34 -0600 answered a question I use opencv2 in iOS,but the velocity of stitch function is very slow?

IOS is known to be slow compared to PC in many different reasons. In my case first time I used algorithms on IOS they ran 200 times slower than on PC. I did some work and learned some tricks how to speed up IOS: And of course you always can try to work with smaller image. Handheld, battery powered ARM is not PC-like monster.

2013-08-07 13:30:39 -0600 commented question OPENCV 2.4.6 JAVA DOCUMENTATION

All caps title without much information what you actually ask. Tags misformatted. Missing punctuations. All makes difficult to work with, so voted down.

2013-08-07 13:28:17 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2013-06-07 13:28:51 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2012-08-08 20:42:59 -0600 answered a question installation steps opencv-2.4.2 (IOS)

I do:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../OpenCV-2.4.2 -DWITH_QT=YES
make -j4
sudo make install

Mac OSX, Ubuntu Linux all same way and works well.

2012-08-08 20:20:36 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2012-08-08 20:19:09 -0600 answered a question usb camera driver for microcontroller

You need to re-implement camera driver plus more software for your ARM7 unless you use some existing OS. I hope Linux runs on ARM7, so if you use linux you can reuse anything what already works under linux.

2012-08-08 20:16:26 -0600 answered a question Camera is not working in OpenCV on Ubuntu 12.04 with version 2.3.1 or 2.4.2

Sounds like your camera device /dev/video0 is inaccessible to non-root users. Try to run with sudo.