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2017-08-22 20:24:52 -0600 commented question Wrong in using solvePnPRansac in opencv 3.3.0.

I download from here: I use the sequences 00. Meanwhile,I use SIFT and FLANN.

2017-08-22 05:49:02 -0600 asked a question Wrong in using solvePnPRansac in opencv 3.3.0.

When I use solvePnPRansac function to do pose estimation for KITTI datasets: solvePnPRansac(pts_obj,pts_img,cameraMatrix,Mat(),rvec,tvec,false,100); The rvec and tvec is wrong after a while. But I use solvePnPRansac function in opencv 3.2.0, it works well.