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2016-02-28 15:03:34 -0600 commented question Build for Visual Studio 2015

The error message says "C2861 operator cv:Matx<double,2,2> identifier not found (compiling source file c:\OpenCV\opencv\sources\modules\core\test\test_mat.cpp)"

The line number is 1597, and the file this is referring to is "mat.inl.hpp"

Best regards

2016-02-27 12:29:33 -0600 commented question Build for Visual Studio 2015

I'm sorry, the lines are both 1597.

2016-02-27 10:58:50 -0600 commented question Build for Visual Studio 2015

Thank you both for your suggestions. I have followed your suggestion of not including the extra contributions. This removes most of the errors, which suggests I am not including the extra code correctly.

I am now down to only two linker errors which relate to the same file:

C2861 operator cv:Matx<double,2,2> identifier not found (compiling source file c:\OpenCV\opencv\sources\modules\core\test\test_mat.cpp)

C2861 operator cv:Matx<double,2,2> no matching overloaded function found (compiling source file c:\OpenCV\opencv\sources\modules\core\test\test_mat.cpp)

Thank you for your help

2016-02-25 04:39:46 -0600 commented question Build for Visual Studio 2015

Thank you for your replies.

Yes that is correct, I have downloaded OpenCV 3, and contrib, set the source directory in the CMAKE GUI, and created a build directory for the build files. I have changed the setting in CMAKE to add the other modules path, I have set this to where I have downloaded the extra modules to, which is within the OpenCV directory I'm using in CMAKE. I haven't changed any other settings or edited the Cmakelists.txt file.

In the first set of errors, Visual Studio is looking for the file path: opencv2/core/hal/

From the location where CMAKEMakelists.txt is The actual file path is: modules/hal/include/opencv2/hal

I'm not quite sure where this should be corrected, I haven't made any changes to the Makelists file.

Best wishes J

2016-02-24 16:01:09 -0600 commented question Build for Visual Studio 2015

Hi Thank you for your reply. I'm using Cmake 3.5.0. I am trying to use opencv_contrib and I have downloaded this to a file path and added this path in Cmake next to "OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH".

2016-02-24 12:10:44 -0600 asked a question Build for Visual Studio 2015

Hello, Please could you help me - I'm struggling to get going with OpenCV.

I'm having significant difficulties Building OpenCV 3.0.0 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 v14.0.24720.00 Following the steps in a tutorial blog, I have used cmake to create a set of build files, and then attempted to build from the solution created. I encounter a series of build errors relating to missing The build errors I have encountered are included here:

C:\fakepath\OpenCV_3_Build Errors.JPG

C:\fakepath\OpenCV_3_Build Errors2.JPG

C:\fakepath\OpenCV_3_Build Errors3.JPG

Please could you give me some advice on whether these could be related to a known issue

Thank you for your help


2016-02-01 20:37:23 -0600 asked a question Find Contours: Crash with no error


I have started using OpenCV 3.0, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, on an x86 machine. After following the instructions in the documentation, I have experimented with a number of different functions such as blur, filtering, canny edge detection, harris corner detection with no problems.

However I am now attempting to run the findContours for shapre detection as described here:

I have copied the example code exactly has listed in the demo and not made any changes to it, other than adding cout<< statements, (after the colour conversion, after bluring, after opening the window, after canny thresholding, and prior to the findcontours statement). From the cout statements, the code passes the other lines without exception and crashes on the findcontours line:

findContours( canny_output, contours, hierarchy, RETR_TREE, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0) );

No assert error message appears, the programme just crashes, without any error message in the console window.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I could diagnose this problem? Do you have any suggestions as to why the code would crash on this function, and yet work perfectly on all the others I have tried?

Thank you for your help
