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2020-10-19 16:06:44 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-29 09:52:58 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-10-28 11:17:20 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

Do I need to encode/decode??

2018-10-28 10:36:15 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

Also this video is from Axis IP camera

2018-10-28 10:27:44 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

CV_8UC3 did not work for me, CV_8UC4 works for me. Below are the steps I am doing: 1>Taking frame from video, which i

2018-10-27 22:06:49 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

The frame is from live video and It’s jpeg only, I am converting frame to mat and trying to add text and then convertin

2018-10-27 22:02:14 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

It’s jpeg only, How to encode and decode, how to do this in OpenCV

2018-10-27 13:00:49 -0600 commented question putText not working for video frame

I am trying to insert text welcome into frame, but its not working. The image does not contain the text I am trying to a

2018-10-27 12:59:58 -0600 asked a question putText not working for video frame

putText not working for video frame Mat m = new Mat (720, 1280, CvType.CV_8UC4); m.put(0,0,vf.rawData.getBytes()); Imgp

2018-10-27 12:57:48 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

I could resolve Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code issue, Mat m = new Mat (720, 1280, CvType.CV_8U); // I changed this

2018-10-27 08:51:14 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

this is while saving the image and displaying. I also tried saving buffer(bytes) back to image.jpg file The image is n

2018-10-27 08:50:33 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

this is while saving the image and displaying. I also tried saving buffer(bytes) back to image.jpg file The image is n

2018-10-27 08:40:42 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

this is while saving the image and displaying. I also tried saving buffer(bytes) back to image.jpg file The image is n

2018-10-27 08:40:12 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

this is while saving the image and displaying. I also tried saving buffer(bytes) back to image.jpg. The image is not c

2018-10-27 08:38:13 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

this is while saving the image

2018-10-27 07:42:41 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

I have did code as below: Mat m = new Mat (720, 1280, CvType.CV_8U); m.put(0,0,vf.rawData.getBytes()); Imgproc.putText(

2018-10-26 09:49:06 -0600 asked a question VideoCapture issue with Camera IP

VideoCapture issue with Camera IP I am using code as below: public static void main (String[] args) { System.load("

2018-10-25 13:28:24 -0600 commented answer Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

Ok I will try this but for reverse Mat m(height, width, type) How can I get width, height and what should be type

2018-10-25 07:24:50 -0600 commented question Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

Its byte[] I am working on project where we are displaying the videos, I want to add the text to the video. So I am try

2018-10-25 04:53:49 -0600 asked a question Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer

Opencv Java Convert Mat object to bytebuffer Hi I want to convert Mat Object to bytebuffer Can you please help here

2018-10-20 08:00:24 -0600 asked a question How to differentiate between live Face or photo in face Recognition

How to differentiate between live Face or photo in face Recognition I did Face Recognition program, it recognizes the Fa

2018-10-20 06:56:02 -0600 commented answer (OpenCv Java) FaceMark: Exception: bad allocation during using FaceMark for loadModel

Thanks this helped

2018-10-20 05:48:20 -0600 commented answer (OpenCv Java) FaceMark: Exception: bad allocation during using FaceMark for loadModel

Also where to make changes to build opencv libs to 64 bit

2018-10-20 05:47:29 -0600 commented answer (OpenCv Java) FaceMark: Exception: bad allocation during using FaceMark for loadModel

I made Java vm args to 2056 in eclipse but still no luck. Code changed to createFacemarkLBF() : Facemark fm =

2018-10-20 03:05:21 -0600 asked a question (OpenCv Java) FaceMark: Exception: bad allocation during using FaceMark for loadModel

(OpenCv Java) FaceMark: Exception: bad allocation during using FaceMark for loadModel // detect faces Hi I am facing exc

2018-10-15 14:50:14 -0600 edited question OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated

OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated Hi I configured the open-contrib modules in cmake, when i execute the below

2018-10-15 14:13:51 -0600 commented question OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated

I configured opencv-contrib, opencv_face341.dll is also generated. I configured to build java wrapper libraries. In ec

2018-10-15 09:36:31 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-10-15 09:36:31 -0600 edited question OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated

OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated Hi I configured the open-contrib modules in cmake, when i execute the below

2018-10-15 09:35:44 -0600 asked a question OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated

OpenCV-java341.dll is not getting generated Hi I configured the open-contrib modules in cmake, when i execute the below

2018-06-20 12:23:04 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Java compilation Errors

OpenCV Java compilation Errors Hi Team, Please help me in below errors, OpenCV-341.jar got generated, but OpenCV_java34

2018-06-20 11:59:24 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

I was getting errors for videostab, I offed in build and tried building again. But again I am getting below errors ,but

2018-06-20 11:42:49 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

I added some more errors that I am facing in answer section, Can you please guide me

2018-06-20 11:26:25 -0600 answered a question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

Hi I did the above but now I am getting the below errors, I even added Wrap java in cmakeList.txt file Can you help me :

2018-06-11 10:36:58 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

I am getting above errors can you guide me

2018-06-11 10:36:42 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

[javac] C:\OpenCV-course\opencv-3.4.1\build\modules\java\jar\opencv\java\org\opencv\hdf\ error: met hod

2018-06-11 10:36:35 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

Generating opencv-341.jar Buildfile: C:\OpenCV-course\opencv-3.4.1\build\modules\java\jar\opencv\build.xml jar:

2018-06-11 10:34:37 -0600 commented question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

InitializeBuildStatus: Touching "x64\Release\opencv_java_jar\opencv_java_jar.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". CustomBuild: B

2018-06-11 08:50:13 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector

OpenCV Java build issue with apps/visualisation and xobjdetect\tools\waldboost_detector enabled Java wrappers and tried

2017-08-12 03:11:27 -0600 asked a question Not able to use Axis IP Camera with OpenCV


I am using OpenCV 3.2 jar file. Below is my code snippet. I camera IP link wks fine in browser. but VideoCapture does not with IP Camera link. if (capture.isOpened()) always returns false;. Can you guide what i need to do here.

import org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture; public class Sample { public static void main(String args[]) { VideoCapture capture = new VideoCapture();"http://root:[email protected]/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?x.mjpeg"); if (capture.isOpened()) System.out.println("Video link open."); else System.out.println("Video link not open.");
} }