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2020-08-22 10:18:34 -0600 commented question Crop/approximate contours

@Der Luftmensch. Thanks. It named opening morphological operation. I mentioned about it. @supra56. Thanks, but no need.

2020-08-20 13:04:24 -0600 commented question Crop/approximate contours

Thanks, but I look for contours (set of point) algo, not images.

2020-08-20 08:48:07 -0600 edited question Crop/approximate contours

Crop/approximate contours I have a contours like this: And I'm looking for a solution on how to cut the contours along

2020-08-20 08:47:56 -0600 edited question Crop/approximate contours

Crop/approximate contours I have a contours like this: And I'm looking for a solution on how to cut the contours along

2020-08-20 08:47:24 -0600 edited question Crop/approximate contours

Crop/approximate contours I have a contours like this: And I'm looking for a solution on how to cut the contours along

2020-08-20 08:46:59 -0600 edited question Crop/approximate contours

Crop/approximate contours I have a contours like this: And I'm looking for a solution on how to cut the contours along

2020-08-20 08:44:49 -0600 asked a question Crop/approximate contours

Crop/approximate contours I have such a contour: DoesOpenCV have a function for approximating contours that could do th

2020-07-16 09:06:45 -0600 asked a question Non rigid registration

Non rigid registration Do opencv have the means to perform non rigid registration like ImageJ BUnwarpJ plugin (2D image

2020-02-12 02:58:25 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-09-13 05:31:28 -0600 commented question Multi camera calibration with flat pattern, error minimization.

Thanks. I wrote 3 cameras for simplicity. Now there are 4, and maybe later there will be more. I try to minimize extrins

2019-09-13 05:22:21 -0600 commented question Multi camera calibration with flat pattern, error minimization.

Thanks. I wrote 3 cameras for simplicity. Now there are 4, and maybe later there will be more. I try to minimize reproje

2019-09-09 03:48:10 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-09-09 03:04:15 -0600 asked a question Multi camera calibration with flat pattern, error minimization.

Multi camera calibration with flat pattern, error minimization. I have dataset from camera array with chessboard markers

2019-09-08 08:01:49 -0600 commented question Multi camera calibration with chess board

@Humam Helfawi. Did you resolve you question? I search same solution.

2019-04-15 07:59:06 -0600 edited question Tesseract accuracy

Tesseract accuracy I try use Tesseract from Opencv, but the recognition accuracy is terrible compared to the direct use

2019-04-15 07:32:51 -0600 edited question Tesseract accuracy

Tesseract accuracy I try use Tesseract from Opencv, but the recognition accuracy is terrible compared to the direct use

2019-04-15 07:31:23 -0600 edited question Tesseract accuracy

Tesseract accuracy I try use Tesseract from Opencv, but the recognition accuracy is terrible compared to the direct use

2019-04-15 07:29:03 -0600 asked a question Tesseract accuracy

Tesseract accuracy I try use Tesseract from Opencv, but the recognition accuracy is terrible compared to the direct use

2019-02-27 09:12:43 -0600 commented question Android ABI

Hello. I have the same problem. Did you find solution to resolve this?

2018-12-29 04:38:49 -0600 edited question Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file

Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file UPD. Everything works fine. The problem was with me with 3dparty software. Sorry. I tr

2018-12-28 21:37:45 -0600 edited question Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file

Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file I try to save Mat to binary file: void WriteRAW(Mat &m) { ostringstream filena

2018-12-28 21:36:41 -0600 edited question Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file

Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file I try to save Mat to binary file: void WriteRAW(Mat &m) { ostringstream filena

2018-12-28 21:31:33 -0600 edited question Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file

Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file I try to save Mat to binary file: void WriteRAW(Mat &m) { ostringstream filena

2018-12-28 21:30:07 -0600 asked a question Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file

Save CV_16UC1 Mat to binary file I try to save Mat to binary file: void WriteRAW(Mat &m) { ostringstream filena

2018-09-07 13:27:16 -0600 commented question Load huge image

@sturkmen. Sory, I make mistake. It was 32000x32000, 3 channel image, but I loaded it as grayscale m1 = imread("e:/0/33

2018-09-07 13:26:42 -0600 commented question Load huge image

@sturkmen. Sory, I make mistake. It was 32000x32000, 3 channel image, but I loaded it as grayscale m1 = imread("e:/0/33

2018-09-07 13:26:29 -0600 commented question Load huge image

@sturkmen. Sory, I make mistake. It was 32000x32000, 3 channel image, but I loaded it as grayscale m1 = imread("e:/0/33

2018-09-07 13:25:58 -0600 commented question Load huge image

@sturkmen. Sory, I make mistake. It was 32000x32000, 3 channel image, but I loaded it as grayscale m1 = imread("e:/0

2018-09-07 13:17:30 -0600 edited question Load huge image

Load huge image I try to load relativity big image 32000x32000, 1 channel but assertions raised: Error: Assertion faile

2018-09-07 03:57:14 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-09-07 03:57:14 -0600 edited question Load huge image

Load huge image I try to load relativity big image 32000x32000, 3 channel but assertions raised: Error: Assertion faile

2018-09-07 03:49:20 -0600 asked a question Load huge image

Load huge image I try to load relativity big image 32000x32000, 3 channel but assertions raised: Error: Assertion faile

2018-08-30 06:42:52 -0600 asked a question Viz3d and qt gui

Viz3d and qt gui I use QVTKWidget to visualize some mesh, but for some reason best choise fom me is use Viz3d. Is any so

2018-08-30 06:15:22 -0600 answered a question Embedding OpenCV Viz3d and Qt

@johnmarinelli. Did you find solution to embend Viz3d windows to qt gui based on widgets?

2018-07-06 11:58:19 -0600 commented question Cascade file trained in traincascade in cuda::CascadeClassifier

@break. Thanks. Can opencv_traincascade produce cascade in old format? Or some way to convert new format to old?

2018-07-06 11:55:08 -0600 commented question Cascade file trained in traincascade in cuda::CascadeClassifier

@break. Thanks. Can opencv_traincascade produce cascade in old format?

2018-07-06 11:54:30 -0600 commented question Cascade file trained in traincascade in cuda::CascadeClassifier

Thx. Can opencv_traincascade produce cascade in old format?

2018-07-06 10:12:08 -0600 asked a question Cascade file trained in traincascade in cuda::CascadeClassifier

Cascade file trained in traincascade in cuda::CascadeClassifier I have a cascade file trained in opencv_traincascade. Ca

2018-07-06 04:26:47 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-06-27 06:05:05 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2018-06-27 06:05:03 -0600 marked best answer Cascade training, background size.

And again about train cascade. I have set of images with resolution approximately 1000x1000. Object size is nearest 30x50. What is better for background images: take it as is or crop to smalles like 100x100?

2018-06-27 06:05:03 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2018-06-27 05:21:18 -0600 asked a question Cascade training, background size.

Cascade training, background size. And again about train cascade. I have set of images with resolution approximately 100