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2017-08-03 10:47:39 -0600 commented question how to use unicode with knearest::train for arabic character

already i use it but when i cout the mat give me ASCII values not Unicode values

2017-08-03 10:27:18 -0600 asked a question how to use unicode with knearest::train for arabic character

I want to do something like that but when I do that the result is ASCII code, not Unicode

cv::Mat_<wchar_t> trainFeatures(40, 1);
    trainFeatures <<  'ب', 'ت', 'ث', 'ج', 'ح', 'خ', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'س', 'ش', 'ص', 'ض', 'ط', 'ظ;
    cout << trainFeatures;