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2013-05-03 03:09:54 -0600 answered a question Trying to migrate python opencv application


The easiest solution in your case will probably be to figure out exactly what version of OpenCV you were running on the 10.10 system, and try to install it on the 12.04 machine. This would not be a good idea if you were continuing to develop the software and adding new features, but it sounds like you just want it to work the way it did before.

I'd recommend installing the version you want from source, basically following the instructions here except downloading the correct old version from here instead of following the section on "Getting the latest stable OpenCV version".

If you'd like to update your code to work with newer versions of the OpenCV bindings, you can find a lot of good Python examples along with the source.

Sorry for the late answer -- hopefully you or others will find it useful.

2013-05-03 02:46:34 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2013-05-02 21:07:00 -0600 answered a question OpenCV Python install question on Ubuntu lucid

I had similar issues trying to follow the patchwork of install guides from various years and versions. Installing opencv from source as per the directions here was what finally fixed most of the problems for me (using Linux Mint 14). Try installing from source as described in those directions, then see whether you're able to run any of the example programs that come with it.

If you have multiple versions of Python on your system, make sure that the first line of your .py file specifies which to use -- for example, #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 (see here for some more information about the #! line)

Also, you probably want to be importing cv2 rather than opencv. I'm not sure of the exact history behind the name change, but all of the python code I've seen working with the latest version of opencv (and the example files which are provided when you install from source) uses cv2.

2013-05-02 20:34:05 -0600 answered a question How to manage multiple versions of Python OpenCV?

My favorite tool for testing Python code using different versions of dependencies is Virtualenv. The top answer on this stackoverflow question explains the process for getting a virtualenv to use the desired opencv version.

Here is a quick tutorial on the basics of virtualenv.

I hope this helps!