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2020-11-06 15:42:32 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-11-10 09:32:22 -0600 asked a question Can calcBackProject be used with HOG?


I have used calcBackProject() with color histograms to successfully locate a target patch within an image. I was wondering if I can do something similar using gradient histograms instead of color? From the example I see how I can construct gradient histograms from Sobel edge filters. But is there a way I can now plug these into the calcBackProject() function to locate a target in an image?


2013-04-23 07:33:48 -0600 commented answer FaceRecognizer returning confidence of 0.00

OK thanks.

2013-04-23 07:33:12 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-04-22 19:05:54 -0600 commented answer FaceRecognizer returning confidence of 0.00

Thanks @berak for the reply. And yes, I am familiar with cross-validation methods. So it seems I don't understand the meaning of "confidence" as used with the FaceRecognizer. Are you saying that the meaning of "confidence" is the same as "distance"? This seems backwards to me. If the distance between the test image and itself is zero, shouldn't the confidence of the match be 100% (1.00)?

2013-04-22 11:51:43 -0600 asked a question FaceRecognizer returning confidence of 0.00


I am trying the script on the AT&T face database and the confidence value returned for any image in the original training database is 0.00. Is that expected behavior?
