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chenMoshe111's profile - activity

2013-04-03 04:30:52 -0600 asked a question camera doesnt start capturing

im having a little problem in my project. i have a main form witu buttons , from this form im starting my game.

when im starting my game it should automaticlly start capturring, but it doesnt. only after i press twice on the pause button its start.

if im doing twice pauses in the constractor of the form it doesnt help. i know it not the right solution but i just checked it.

this is the camera class with the pause code:

    public class C_Camera
   // public Timer timer; 
    public Capture capWebCam = null;
    public bool binCapturingInProgress = false;
    public Image<Bgr, byte> imgOriginal;
    public Image<Gray, byte> imgProcessed;
    public ImageBox imageBox1 = new ImageBox();
    public TextBox textBox1;
    public List<PointF> centerList;
    CircleF[] circles;

    public void newCapture(bool b, List<PointF> centers)
        centerList = centers;
        binCapturingInProgress = b;

            capWebCam = new Capture();
        catch (NullReferenceException except)

        Application.Idle += processFrameAndUpdateGUI;//add process image function to the applicationlist in tasks
        binCapturingInProgress = true;

  /*      timer = new Timer();
        timer.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000 / 60).TotalMilliseconds);
        timer.Tick += processFrameAndUpdateGUI;

    public void closeCapture()
        if (capWebCam != null)

    public void processFrameAndUpdateGUI(object sender, EventArgs arg)
        imgOriginal = capWebCam.QueryFrame();
        if (imgOriginal == null) 
        //imgProcessed = imgOriginal.InRange(new Bgr(0, 80, 0)/*min filter*/, new Bgr(70, 256, 70));
        imgProcessed = imgOriginal.InRange(new Bgr(0, 0, 140)/*min filter*/, new Bgr(90, 90, 256));
        //imgProcessed = imgOriginal.InRange(new Bgr(0, 0, 175)/*min filter*/, new Bgr(100, 100, 256));

        imgProcessed = imgProcessed.SmoothGaussian(9);//9
        circles = imgProcessed.HoughCircles(new Gray(100), //canny threshhold
                                                      new Gray(50), //accumolator threshold
                                                      2,//size of image 
                                                      imgProcessed.Height / 4, //min size in pixels between centers of detected circles
                                                      15, //min radios
                                                      43)[0];//max radios and get circles from first channel
        foreach (CircleF circle in circles)

            //     circlesOfBalls.Add(circle);

            if (textBox1.Text != "") textBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine);
            textBox1.AppendText("ball position = x" + centerList[centerList.Count - 1].X +
                                ", y = " + centerList[centerList.Count - 1].Y.ToString().PadLeft(4)
                                + "centerList.Count= " + centerList.Count);

            // + ", radios = " + centerList[centerList.Count - 1].Radius.ToString("###,000").PadLeft(7))

            textBox1.ScrollToCaret();// scrolls the textBox to last line

            // draw a small green circle in the center
            CvInvoke.cvCircle(imgOriginal, // draw on the original image
                              new Point((int)circle.Center.X, (int)circle.Center.Y),//center point of circle
                              3, // radios of circle,
                              new MCvScalar (0, 255, 0), // draw in green color
                              -1, //indicates to fill the circle
                              LINE_TYPE.CV_AA, //smoothes the pixels
                              0);// no shift 

            //draw a red circle around the detected object
          //  if (imgOriginal.Data != null) 
                imgOriginal.Draw(circle,    //current circle
                            new Bgr(Color.Red), // draw pure red
        } // end of for each

       // if(imgOriginal.Data != null)
            imageBox1.Image = imgOriginal;

    public string pause()
        if (binCapturingInProgress == true)// if we are currently processing an image, user just choose pause, so
            Application.Idle -= processFrameAndUpdateGUI;
            binCapturingInProgress = false;
            return "resume";
            Application.Idle += processFrameAndUpdateGUI;
            binCapturingInProgress = true;
            return "pause";

and this is the game code: public partial class Game : Form { List<circlef> ballCircles = new List<circlef>(); C_Camera camera; C_Serial serial; List<pointf> centers = new List ... (more)