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2012-09-18 03:12:01 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2012-07-29 16:57:36 -0600 answered a question OpenCV Paths Headaches in Eclipse

Hi again,

I was finally able to get past the dreaded:

I:\Android\OpenCV242\include\opencv/cv.h:63:33: fatal error: opencv2/core/core_c.h: No such file or directory

compile error. I still haven't been able to do so with OpenCV ver2.4.2. But I tried ver2.0.0 and did get past the error with:

  • the Windows environment variable OPENCV_DIR being set to: "I:\Android\OpenCV2.0"
  • the Windows PATH including: %OPENCV_DIR%\bin
  • the Eclipse project Properties->Settings->Includes being set to: "I:\Android\OpenCV2.0\include\opencv" and "I:\Android\OpenCV2.0\include"

Similar settings for ver2.4.2 (with a correspondingly different install directory, of course) do not find core_c.h. Of course, I still need to employ the newer version at some point. So, can anyone tell me what I must change to get 2.4.2 to work at least to the point that 2.0 has? Any advice about 242's directory structure?

Sorry if my questions are simplistic. I am admittedly a newbie. Thanks, Ted

2012-07-28 16:48:25 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Paths Headaches in Eclipse


I am trying to develop OpenCV (2.4.2) C++ applications on Windows XP, using the Eclipse SDK (3.7.2) with the CDT plugin. I'm ultimately interesting in porting the code to Android, but am just trying to get a simple Windows EXE to compile in Eclipse for now. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to set up the include and library paths in Eclipse. I've read text after text on the matter and not ONE of them really helps. Time and again I've seen references to the CV directory within the OpenCV directory structure, which doesn't even exist anymore in the current 2.4.2 version. There are eight 'highgui' directories, and a whopping 37 'include' directories.

Can anyone please tell me exactly what OpenCV directories (header and library) are needed to compile successfully in Eclipse? Thank you.