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2013-04-11 17:11:40 -0600 answered a question How can i determine the location of LCD/LED display in an image with OpenCV and perl

Well unfortunately I haven't worked yet with low level computer vision using OpenCV (I made that with MATLAB) so I can´t give you specific advice on functions, I have here a link talking about the morphological operations: LINK

But let's explain a little more:

In order to use the morphological (or blob) operation we need to convert the image you have (in color) to black and white (not gray scale) in order to do this you should choose a threshold (it could be more than one depending of the needs).

The point is that after analyzing the histogram you could search for a "mode" corresponding to the yellow rectangle (or even the numbers if you take only the higher part of the image). Check this: LINK

Then you could make use of the blob operations.

Hope it helps.

2013-04-11 17:10:46 -0600 commented answer How can i determine the location of LCD/LED display in an image with OpenCV and perl

Well unfortunately I haven't worked yet with low level computer vision using OpenCV (I made that with MATLAB) so I can´t give you specific advice on functions, I have here a link talking about the morphological operations: LINK

But let's explain a little more:

In order to use the morphological (or blob) operation we need to convert the image you have (in color) to black and white (not gray scale) in order to do this you should choose a threshold (it could be more than one depending of the needs).

The point is that after analyzing the histogram you could search for a "mode" corresponding to the yellow

2013-04-08 19:16:26 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-04-08 19:12:51 -0600 answered a question How can i determine the location of LCD/LED display in an image with OpenCV and perl

Supposing you use always the same kind of card, you could probably by bounding/restraining the problem and work to do.

For example you can make that the card position and size (for the image) be more or less constant, so you could take for example just the upper part of the image.

Then you should segment the display.

This can be made by using some morphological operations (dilation or closing) to get a mask and the apply this mask to cut the important part for this. If you scratch all the card (so there aren't any near black points close to the number) this could work very well.

Another one could be segmentation using the histogram of the picture.

Hope it could help.