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2012-07-26 16:14:53 -0600 commented question Build errors with OpenCV4Android samples in Eclipse

hey guys please dont ignore my question. I am desperate. Surely someone (experts in this area) can interpret the error i am having. I don't know what 'JUnit' of the previous comment (Kirill Kornyakov) meant.. Pls this is urgent

2012-07-26 11:57:42 -0600 commented question Build errors with OpenCV4Android samples in Eclipse

Yes, while executing the app from Eclipse Which context menu? if u are reffering to project, I normally would have selected 'Android project' How can I fix this?

2012-07-26 08:02:36 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2012-07-26 08:00:17 -0600 asked a question Build errors with OpenCV4Android samples in Eclipse

I can't successfully run the opencv sample programs. I have followed the configuration steps but continue to have this error:

[2012-07-26 13:34:49 - OpenCV Sample - 15-puzzle] OpenCV Sample - 15-puzzle does not specify a android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner instrumentation or does not declare uses-library android.test.runner in its AndroidManifest.xml

SInce Android 2.3.3 is API 10 and API 11 or higher is required I selected configured samples for Android 4.0 API 15, (using Galaxy s2)

what's wrong and how can I sort this out. Many thanks