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2017-07-02 10:05:14 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-07-01 23:43:10 -0600 commented question Find the number of white pixels in contour

Hello Zain can you share the solution here also so that even I can get some help out of it Thanks

2017-06-28 23:26:38 -0600 commented question Filled circle are not detecting

thanks for replying. I did that but some how still not detecting.

2017-06-27 10:46:35 -0600 commented answer Filled circle are not detecting

Hello Berak I inverted image through bitwisenot But still not working

2017-06-27 10:29:37 -0600 commented answer Filled circle are not detecting

I tried inverting using subtract but seems first argument is wrong subtract(new Scalar(255), localMat3, localMat3); in this we are passsinng Scalar but required type is Mat

2017-06-27 07:33:57 -0600 commented answer Filled circle are not detecting

thanks berak for replying. My problem here is the code is detecting all the unfilled circles and ignoring filled one. can you tell me which part is going wrong?

2017-06-27 04:15:57 -0600 asked a question Filled circle are not detecting

Hello, I am new to opencv and trying to make omr scanner from scratch and have snippet which is supposed to detect filled circles but it is doing quite opposite and detecting unfilled circle. Please show me my mistake in the code.

 public void showFilledCircles(Bitmap paramView)
    paramView = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filename);
    Mat localMat1 = new Mat();
    Utils.bitmapToMat(paramView, localMat1);
    Object localObject1 = new Mat();
    double[] lo;
    Imgproc.GaussianBlur(localMat1, (Mat)localObject1, new Size(3.0D, 3.0D), 3.0D, 2.5D);
    Mat localMat2 = new Mat();
    Imgproc.cvtColor((Mat)localObject1, localMat2, 7);
    localObject1 = new ArrayList();
    Object localObject2 = new Mat();
    Mat localMat3 = new Mat();
    Imgproc.Canny(localMat2, localMat3, 140.0D, 255.0D);
    Imgproc.findContours(localMat3, (List)localObject1, (Mat)localObject2,1,2);
    int i = 0;
    while (i < ((List)localObject1).size())
        Imgproc.drawContours(localMat2, (List)localObject1, i, new Scalar(0.0D, 0.0D, 255.0D), 2);
        //Log.i("Local Objects","Local Object Point -------------------"+localMat2);
        i += 1;
    localObject1 = new Mat();
    Core.inRange(localMat2, new Scalar(70.0D, 70.0D, 70.0D), new Scalar(255.0D, 255.0D, 255.0D), (Mat)localObject1);
    localMat2 = localMat1.clone();
    Imgproc.HoughCircles((Mat)localObject1, localMat2, 3, 1.0D, 20.0D, 40.0D, 10.0D, 6, 18);

    i = 0;
    for (;;)
        if (i < localMat2.cols())
            localObject1 = localMat2.get(0, i);
            lo = localMat2.get(0, i);
            if (localObject1 != null) {}
            Utils.matToBitmap(localMat1, paramView);
        localObject2 = new Point(Math.round(lo[0]), Math.round(lo[1]));
        int j = (int)Math.round(lo[2]);
        Log.i("cicle Points ---------", localObject2 + " radius " + j);, (Point)localObject2, 1, new Scalar(0.0D, 0.0D, 255.0D), 5);, (Point)localObject2, j, new Scalar(255.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D), 5);
        i += 1;

Image of omr output image description